I remember the day I picked up Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I’ve always had a thing for using baskets as cute storage solutions, so my brain automatically treats every decluttering dilemma as an excuse to bring in another charming basket to save the day. After all, who can resist something that’s both functional and cute?
Naturally, I was curious about the book! Lucky for me, I stumbled upon it on a slow Saturday afternoon. There I was, curled up on the couch, putting off my usual 10-minute tidy-up routine (because, yes, I do love a well-organized space).
That’s when it hit me: no matter how tidy things looked on the surface, chaos was always lurking underneath – like a perfectly stacked Jenga tower just waiting for one misplaced sock to send everything tumbling down. Despite my daily tidying, I was always running out of storage and constantly reorganizing. It felt like I was stuck in a frustrating loop, always tidying but never truly finding lasting order.
As I flipped through the pages, I realized that Marie’s philosophy wasn’t just about organizing; it was about breaking free from that cycle entirely.

Marie’s approach offered a fresh perspective, not only on tidying but also on how I managed my time and energy. That day marked the start of a new approach, re-evaluating not just how I organized my space but how I lived overall.
As I got deeper into her method, I learnt that Kondo’s principles were about much more than just keeping things tidy. They encouraged a deeper reflection on what truly brings joy and fulfillment. It wasn’t merely about creating a neat, organized space; it was about cultivating a life centered on mindfulness, intention, and authenticity.
I found myself rethinking not just my belongings, but my overall well-being. The process prompted me to let go of what no longer served me and make room for the things that genuinely sparked joy.
In this post, I’m excited to share the 12 key lessons from Marie Kondo that have influenced my daily life. Each one has become a guiding principle, helping me not only declutter but also create a space that feels aligned and true to who I am.
These lessons extend beyond tidying up; they serve as valuable insights for navigating various areas of life, encouraging mindfulness and intention in everything I do.
So, join me as I share my own journey with these lessons and how they’ve brought more meaning and clarity into my daily life.
Lesson #1: Trust What You’re Building. Commit Fully, Be All In.
When I first heard about Marie Kondo’s method, I was intrigued but also a little intimidated. The idea of completely transforming my space felt overwhelming. But the more I learned about her philosophy, the more I realized that the first and most important step is simply committing to tidying up. This isn’t just about cleaning up one day and calling it done – Marie emphasizes a deep commitment to tidying, which means fully embracing the process from start to finish.

For me, that commitment was a game-changer. I had tried organizing my home before, but without real commitment, the clutter always found its way back. This time was different. I made a conscious decision to go all-in and trust the process. I blocked out time, set clear goals, and approached the task with determination. Once I truly committed, the task didn’t feel like a chore anymore – it became a journey of transformation, not just for my home but also for my mindset.
The funny thing is, committing to tidying up not only cleared my space but also cleared my mind. I no longer felt weighed down by the clutter around me. Instead, I felt motivated, lighter, and ready to tackle other areas of my life with the same energy.
My Tip: If you’re thinking about starting the KonMari method, my biggest advice is to fully commit. Set a date to begin, dedicate time each day or week, and stick to it. You’ll be amazed at how empowering it feels to finally take control of your space, once and for all.
Lesson #2: Lead with Purpose. Start by Imagining your Ideal Lifestyle.
One of the most powerful lessons I learned from Marie Kondo is to start by imagining your ideal lifestyle. This step isn’t about organizing or decluttering right away – it’s about creating a vision for the kind of life and space you want to live in. It’s easy to jump straight into tidying, but Marie’s approach reminds us to pause and reflect first.
For me, this step made all the difference. I took some time to really think about what I wanted my home to feel like. I asked myself: What kind of atmosphere do I want to wake up to each morning? What would a calm, clutter-free space look like for me? I realized I wanted a minimalist, peaceful space filled only with things that bring me joy, and this vision guided every decision I made afterward.

Imagining my ideal lifestyle wasn’t just about aesthetics; it was about how I wanted to live. I envisioned having more time to relax, fewer distractions, and a sense of peace when I walked through my front door. This vision helped me stay focused during the tidying process because I knew what I was working towards.
Practical Tip: Before you start decluttering, take a few minutes to sit quietly and picture your ideal living space. Write down or visualize how you want your home to feel and function. This doesn’t have to be perfect or elaborate – just focus on what would truly make you happy. Let this vision guide your tidying decisions, and remind yourself of it whenever you feel stuck or overwhelmed.
Once I had a clear vision, it became much easier to make tough choices about what to keep and what to let go of. Instead of focusing on what I was losing, I focused on what I was gaining: a home that aligned with the lifestyle I truly wanted.
Lesson #3: Sometimes, doing it differently is how you end the loop. Tidy by Category, Not Location.
One of the most surprising yet effective lessons I learned from Marie Kondo is to tidy by category, not by location. Before discovering her method, I always tried to organize room by room – starting with the bedroom, moving to the kitchen, and so on. But the problem was, I would tidy one space, only to realize I had more of the same type of items scattered in other parts of the house. This approach kept me in an endless loop of reorganizing but never really decluttering.

When I started tidying by category instead, it completely changed how I tackled the process. Instead of focusing on specific rooms, Marie suggests gathering everything from a specific category in one place and then sorting through it. This method made me realize just how much of one thing I actually owned – and more importantly, what I no longer needed.
I started with clothes, as Marie recommends, and piled every single item of clothing I owned onto my bed. Seeing it all in one spot was eye-opening! I didn’t even realize I had duplicates of so many items hiding in different closets, drawers, and storage bins. By gathering everything from the same category, I was able to make much better decisions about what to keep and what to discard.

Practical Tip: Instead of tidying your home room by room, try organizing by category. Start with clothing, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally sentimental objects. Seeing all your belongings from a single category at once will give you a clearer perspective on what you own, making it easier to let go of things that you don’t need.
Following this method felt so much more efficient because I wasn’t going back and forth between spaces. Once I tackled each category, I knew that area was truly decluttered, and I wouldn’t have to deal with it again. Tidying by category gave me a sense of progress and momentum that kept me motivated through the whole process.
Lesson #4: Pace Yourself Before You Soar. Follow the Right Order.
One of the key principles that Marie Kondo emphasizes is to follow the right order when tidying up. This might seem like a small detail, but I quickly learned that tackling my clutter in a specific sequence made all the difference in my decluttering journey. Marie’s recommended order is to start with clothing, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally sentimental items.

When I first heard this, I was curious about why she suggested this particular order. I soon realized that starting with categories that are easier to part with, like clothes, helps build my confidence and decision-making skills for the more challenging items that hold sentimental value.
As I began with my clothes, I was surprised at how liberating it felt to let go of items that no longer served me. I started by sorting through my closet, and each piece I held up made me reflect on whether it truly sparked joy. The process was much easier than I anticipated. By the time I reached the more emotionally charged categories, like books or keepsakes, I had honed my decision-making skills and felt more empowered to let go of items that no longer aligned with my ideal lifestyle.

Practical Tip: When you start your tidying journey, trust the process and follow Marie’s recommended order. Don’t skip around – resist the urge to tackle the most sentimental items first. Instead, start with clothing, where it’s easier to recognize what you truly love and want to keep. By the time you get to sentimental items, you’ll have developed a better sense of what sparks joy and what doesn’t, making those tougher decisions a bit easier.
Following this order not only helps create momentum but also instills a sense of achievement with each category completed. After finishing my clothing and then moving onto books, I felt a growing sense of clarity and peace in my home. It was as if each category I tidied brought me one step closer to my vision of an organized and joyful living space.
Lesson #5: Ask Yourself, “Does This Bring Me Joy? If It’s Not a Yes, It’s a No.
One of the most transformative questions I adopted from Marie Kondo’s method is, Does this spark joy? This simple yet profound question became my guiding principle as I sorted through my belongings. It may sound straightforward, but when I first started applying it, I realized just how powerful it could be in helping me decide what to keep and what to let go of.
When I approached my items with this question, I quickly learned that it forced me to connect with my belongings on a deeper emotional level. Instead of thinking about the money I spent on a particular item or the memories attached to it, I started to focus on how each item made me feel in the present moment. This was new!

For instance, as I rifled through my wardrobe, I came across a beautiful dress that I had worn once but hadn’t touched in years. Initially, I felt guilty about letting it go. After all, I had spent good money on it! However, when I held it in my hands and honestly asked myself if it sparked joy, I realized that it didn’t. I was keeping it out of obligation rather than affection. Letting it go felt freeing, and I knew that it could find a new home where it would be appreciated and worn.
Practical Tip: As you go through your belongings, hold each item in your hands and genuinely ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” If the answer is no, don’t hesitate to let it go. Remember, you’re not just decluttering; you’re curating a space filled only with things that bring you happiness and peace.
This practice doesn’t just apply to physical items; it has also encouraged me to reflect on other areas of my life. I’ve started asking myself this question about even daily activities. Am I enjoying this, or am I doing it out of habit? This mindset shift has helped me create a more joyful and fulfilling life overall.
By embracing this lesson, I learned to be more intentional about what I allow into my life. Each item I decided to keep now reflects who I am and what I love – helping me create a home that feels not just organized but also inspiring.
Lesson #6: Shrink the Problem to Its Core. Discard Before You Organize.
One of the most unexpected thing I learned from Marie Kondo is to discard before organizing. At first, this might seem counterintuitive. Many of us are used to organizing our belongings and making everything look neat before deciding what to keep or throw away. I used to think that if I organized first, it would make it easier to decide what to keep. However, Marie’s method flipped that idea on its head.
When I started my tidying journey, I initially found myself organizing items while I sorted through them. But I quickly realized that this approach led to more confusion. I was trying to create space for things I wasn’t even sure I wanted to keep! It became clear to me that I needed to take a step back and focus on the discarding process first.

By discarding before organizing, I was able to fully confront the volume of my belongings. For example, when I went through my kitchen items, I laid out all my dishes, utensils, and gadgets on the counter. Seeing everything at once helped me realize how many duplicates I had and how many items I never used. It was liberating to let go of the things that no longer served me, allowing me to create a much clearer picture of what I actually needed.
Practical Tip: Before you dive into organizing your space, take time to assess and discard first. Gather all similar items in one place, and go through them one by one. Ask yourself if they spark joy and if they are truly necessary. This process will not only help you let go of clutter but will also give you a clearer sense of what you have left to organize.
After I embraced this rule, the organizing process felt entirely different. With fewer items to manage, I was able to truly enjoy creating a designated space for the things I loved. I found that organizing became less about cramming items into cabinets and more about curating a space that aligned with my values.

Overall, discarding before organizing gave me the freedom to create a functional, joyful living environment. It helped me realize that less is actually more, and now, every item I keep has its own intentional place in my home.
Rule #7: Seeing things from a new angle can bring clarity. Store Items Vertically.
One of the most practical and optically satisfying lessons I learned from Marie Kondo is to store items vertically. This approach was a complete revelation for me and significantly altered how I organized my belongings. Instead of stacking clothes and items in piles, which often led to chaos and disorganization, I discovered the beauty and efficiency of vertical storage.
When I first attempted to fold my clothes using the vertical folding method Marie describes, I was amazed at how much space I saved. By folding each piece of clothing into neat rectangles and placing them upright in my drawers, I could see everything at a glance. No more digging through piles of clothing to find that one favorite shirt! This method not only maximized my drawer space but also made getting dressed in the morning much more enjoyable.

I remember when I tackled my t-shirt drawer specifically. Before implementing this method, I had a chaotic mess of crumpled shirts at the bottom of the drawer, and I often forgot what I owned. But after folding and arranging them vertically, I could see every single shirt I had, making it easier to choose what to wear. Plus, the sight of a neatly organized drawer brought me a sense of calm and satisfaction every time I opened it.
Practical Tip: When organizing your clothes or other items, try folding them vertically. For clothes, fold each item into a rectangle and stand it upright in your drawer or storage bin. For other items, such as books or even kitchen tools, place them vertically to maximize space and improve accessibility. This not only keeps things organized but also makes it look all pretty.
Since adopting vertical storage, I’ve found that it’s easier to maintain order in my spaces. I can quickly see what I have, and it encourages me to keep my items tidy. No more messy piles or struggling to find what I need!
Vertical storage is a simple and impactful technique that can be applied to various areas of your home, from clothing and linens to books and even kitchenware. By implementing this method, you’ll not only create a more organized surroundings but also elevate your daily routines – making life feel just a little bit lighter and more joyful.
Lesson #8: Value What You Own. Care for It Properly.
One of the sweetest aspects of Marie Kondo’s philosophy is the idea of respecting your belongings. This concept was a bit of an eye-opener for me, as it shifted my perspective on how I viewed and treated the items in my home. Instead of seeing my possessions as mere objects, I began to appreciate them as part of my life’s journey, each with its own purpose and story.

When I started applying this principle, I made a conscious effort to treat my belongings with care. This meant folding my clothes neatly, storing them properly, and even taking the time to clean my items regularly. The act of treating my possessions with respect made me feel more connected to them. For instance, when I began to fold my clothes according to Marie’s method, I noticed how much more I appreciated each piece. Instead of tossing them into a pile, I took the time to treat each item lovingly, considering how it served me and how it made me feel.
A pivotal moment for me was when I approached my kitchen items. Instead of jamming my utensils and pots into drawers, I started organizing them in a way that made sense and showcased their beauty. I placed my favorite dishes in a prominent spot and arranged my pots and pans so that they were easily accessible. This not only made cooking more enjoyable but also gave me a sense of pride in my space.
Practical Tip: As you go through your belongings, think about how you can treat them with respect. This might mean properly caring for your items, ensuring they’re clean and organized, or even saying thank you to items as you decide to let them go. When you appreciate your belongings, you foster a more mindful relationship with them, which can lead to a more fulfilling and intentional connection.

Embracing this rule helped me realize that everything I own has a purpose. By showing respect to my belongings, I also learned to value the space they occupy and to be more mindful about what I choose to bring into my home. This respect has translated into a deeper appreciation for the things I actually love and a willingness to let go of the rest.
Incorporating this mindset into my daily life has not only changed how I manage my belongings but has also encouraged me to be more intentional in other areas – like how I interact with people and experiences. Respecting my belongings became a reminder to respect myself and the life I am creating.
Lesson #9: Know Why, Then Know Where. Every Item Has Its Place.
One of the most satisfying insight I embraced from Marie Kondo’s philosophy is the idea of finding a place for everything. This idea sounds simple, but it was a revelation for me. For so long, my belongings seemed to float around my home without a clear home of their own. As a result, I often found myself frustrated and lost, unable to locate what I needed when I needed it.
When I committed to this idea, I started by asking myself, “Where does this item belong?” For every object I owned, I aimed to create a designated space that felt logical and accessible. For example, in my kitchen, I took the time to organize my utensils, pots, and pans, ensuring that everything had its own spot. I hung my favorite cooking tools on the wall, used drawer organizers for smaller items, and arranged my spices in a way that was both functional and optically pleasing. This process not only made my kitchen look neater, but it also made cooking feel more enjoyable and efficient.

A significant part of this process was recognizing that some items had a way of migrating to different spots in the house over time, often because I hadn’t designated a specific place for them. As I tidied, I was careful to create homes for those items – whether it was a designated basket for mail, a shelf for books, or a drawer for miscellaneous tools.
Practical Tip: As you declutter and organize, make sure that every item has a specific place to live. When putting things away, ask yourself if that location makes sense. Is it easily accessible? Does it help maintain order? If not, consider moving it to a more appropriate spot.
Creating designated spaces has changed how I interact with my belongings. Now, when I finish using something, I know exactly where it goes, and I can easily return it to its home. This has drastically reduced clutter and the frustration of searching for misplaced items.
The best part about this is that it fosters a sense of peace and control in my living space. By knowing where everything belongs, I can maintain an organized home with less effort. This clarity extends beyond my physical belongings – it has also inspired me to seek organization and clarity in other areas of my life, such as my schedule and commitments.
Ultimately, finding a place for everything has helped me create a home that feels serene and intentional. It’s a small yet powerful practice that keeps my environment tidy and reinforces the mindset that my space is a reflection of my values and aspirations.
Lesson #10: Release the Past. Make Room for the Future.
The hard and perhaps most liberating lesson I took from Marie Kondo’s philosophy is the joy of letting go. This rule was a turning point in my tidying journey, as it changed the way I viewed decluttering from a daunting task into a liberating experience. For so long, I held onto items for various reasons – guilt, obligation, or nostalgia – but learning to embrace the joy of letting go opened up a new world of possibilities.
As I moved through the decluttering process, I encountered many items that no longer served me. At first, it was difficult to part with certain things. I would find myself thinking, “What if I need this later?” or “I might wear this again someday.” However, Marie’s method taught me that each item I owned should add value to my life and align with my current reality of joy and purpose.
When I began to practice the art of letting go, I discovered the exhilarating freedom that comes from decluttering. For example, there was a beautiful vase that had been tucked away in my storage for years, collecting dust. Although I loved it once, it no longer fit my decor or lifestyle. After holding it and asking myself if it sparked joy, I realized it didn’t. I decided to give it away, and in that moment, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Letting it go allowed me to free up space for things that truly resonated with me.

Practical Tip: As you go through your belongings, remember that letting go is not about loss; it’s about making room for new experiences, items, and opportunities that align with your current life. Acknowledge the role that each item has played in your life, express gratitude for it, and then let it go with love.
Embracing the joy of letting go has not only transformed my physical space but also my mental and emotional landscape. I now approach decluttering with a sense of excitement rather than dread. Each item I choose to release opens up space for something new, whether it’s a new piece of furniture that aligns with my aesthetic or simply a more peaceful state of mind.
This rule has encouraged me to adopt a more intentional lifestyle. I’ve learned that it’s okay to change, to evolve, and to let go of things that no longer serve me. It’s a reminder that life is a journey, and holding onto the past doesn’t allow me to fully embrace the present and the future.
By practicing the joy of letting go, I’ve cultivated a home that reflects who I am today, rather than who I was yesterday. It has become a sanctuary that inspires me and aligns with my values – a place where I can actually thrive.
Lesson #11: Be Fully Here and Now. The End Will Align Itself.
The next lesson that deeply resonated with me from Marie Kondo’s philosophy is the importance of living in the moment. While tidying up and organizing are essential, it’s equally vital to appreciate the space you’ve created and the life you’re living right now. This lesson serves as a gentle reminder that the tidying process is not just about achieving a perfectly organized home; it’s about uplifting your overall quality of life.
As I embarked on my decluttering journey, I often found myself focused on the end goal – an immaculate, joyful living space. However, I soon realized that I was missing out on the present moment. Instead of rushing through each task or becoming fixated on the perfect outcome, I started to slow down and savor the process of tidying up. Each item I sorted, each drawer I organized, became an opportunity to reflect on my life and the choices I was making.

Practical Tip: As you declutter, take moments to pause and reflect on what you’re doing. Appreciate the items you choose to keep and the space you’re creating. Practice gratitude for the items that have served you well, and acknowledge how they’ve contributed to your life.
Living in the moment has helped me cultivate a deeper connection with my surroundings and myself. Each time I walk into a room, I can appreciate the serenity that comes from a clutter-free space, and I feel more present in my everyday life.
This practice of mindfulness extends beyond tidying. It has taught me to be more intentional in other areas of my life and fully engage with the world around me. Learning to live in the moment has brought a sense of calm that complements the physical order I’ve achieved in my home.
Lesson #12: Celebrate Progress Along the Way. It’s All Part of Your Growth.
One of the most empowering lessons I’ve taken from Marie Kondo’s philosophy is the importance of celebrating your progress. As I navigated the journey of decluttering and organizing my home, I realized that each step forward, no matter how small, deserves acknowledgment and appreciation. This idea encourages us to recognize our efforts and the changes we’ve made, helping cultivate a mindset that can sustain us in our ongoing journey toward a more joyful life.

Initially, I often found myself focusing on what still needed to be done rather than reflecting on how far I had come. After a particularly grueling weekend of tidying my living room, I was tempted to dive right into the next area on my list. But then I paused and decided to take a moment to celebrate my achievements. I took a step back, looked at the uncluttered space, and felt a swell of pride wash over me. The room was lighter, more open, and reflective of my personal style.
To completely embrace this thought, I began to establish small rituals for celebrating my progress. After completing a major decluttering session, I’d treat myself to a nice cup of tea in my newly organized space or spend a few moments nibbling on some tasty treats. Or simply put my feet up and daydream.
Practical Tip: After each decluttering session, take a moment to acknowledge your hard work. Consider creating a celebration ritual that resonates with you – whether it’s treating yourself to something special, enjoying a moment of quiet in your newly organized space, or simply taking a moment to reflect on your journey.
Everytime I celebrated my progress, I not only reinforced my commitment to tidying but also cultivated a positive association with the process. It transformed decluttering from a chore into a rewarding journey of self-discovery and growth. I’ve learned that every item I let go of and every organized space contributes to a more peaceful and joyful home, making the effort worthwhile.
This practice of celebration extends beyond tidying; it has taught me to recognize and honor my achievements in other areas of life as well. Whether it’s completing a project at work, reaching a personal goal, or simply getting through a challenging day, I now take time to celebrate the little victories.
Ultimately, celebration every milestone has allowed me to cultivate a more joyful and appreciative mindset. It reminds me that the journey is just as important as the destination and that every step taken toward a more organized and joyful life is worthy of recognition.

As I reflect on my own journey through Marie Kondo’s philosophy, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the shift it has brought to my overall approach. These 12 ideas have reshaped not just my physical space but also positively influenced my day-to-day life. Each lesson has served as a building block towards a more intentional and joyful lifestyle – teaching me to surround myself with items that mirror my values and aspirations.
As I integrate these insights into my daily routine, I am not only decluttering my home but also creating an environment that feels more peaceful and aligned with who I am. This simple (and mundane) act of tidying has now become a mindful practice that is bringing joy, gratitude, and clarity into my life.
I now encourage you to embark on your own Marie Kondo journey! Take a moment to reflect on which of these insights resonate with you the most. Whether you’re starting small with just one drawer or diving into a full home overhaul, remember that every little step counts.
I’d love to hear from you! Share your own experiences with tidying – what challenges have you faced, and what successes have you celebrated? Which of these insights spoke to you? Let’s inspire one another on this journey toward a more intentional and joyful lifestyle!
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